Honestly, if the mixing was better, I would easily scout you. Just keep trying at it, you will get there. Keep grinding your way to the top.
Honestly, if the mixing was better, I would easily scout you. Just keep trying at it, you will get there. Keep grinding your way to the top.
The grind is real. Good stuff. And I have heard this before, I don't remember where you posted it.
EDIT: It was sound cloud.
I feel like too many elements are out of key with the bass. Maybe tweak them a bit, and it could go together nicely. Btw, nice bass.
Edit: Im just trying to help you get better, thats all. Im not saying its bad, im just giving suggestion onto what I think should have been done.
Dude all my tracks you say something is wrong.
Here is something wrong where? it's fine.
takes care of your tracks that I think are terrible. I neither criticize nor waste my time listening too.
Welcome back man! Glad you got onto monster cat. Can't wait to see more from you soon!
The only thing I can think of is the fact you guys made this song using kazoo kid. Frickin awesome.
I have always loved this song since it was used in Open Hexagon. Im glad you uploaded it here, and also, wasn't this called Johnny Derp? And as a little side thing, didn't bossfight help with this?
big edit: So bossfight is part of this group. Woops!